Title: Model for measuring post-harvest technological capability of paddy farmers in dealing with climate change
Authors: Anggara Hayun Anujuprana; Machfud; Sutrisno; Ani Suryani
Addresses: The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Kota Bogor, West Java, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Kota Bogor, West Java, Indonesia ' Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Kota Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Abstract: Indonesia has witnessed extreme weather conditions in various regions in recent times. In the early 2013, these conditions have caused flood in Karawang district. This extremity in climate conditions indicates that climate change has occurred. Climate change, in the form of high/low rainfall, erratic rainfall or changes in the rainy/dry season, has become problem to paddy farmers of Karawang district, who have faced increase in post-harvest losses of paddy. Technological capability of farmers is one of the main factors that play important role in tackling such conditions. Measurement of post-harvest technological capabilities of paddy farmers in dealing with climate change is carried out using six criteria, such as the production capability, investment capability, capability to make small changes, capability to make major changes, marketing capability, and capability to create network. The methods used to measure the technological capabilities are the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Non-Numeric Multi Expert Multi Criteria Decision Making (ME-MCDM). This paper studies the level of post-harvest technological capabilities of farmers in dealing with climate change and provides technology policy recommendation.
Keywords: climate change; technological capability; policy recommendations; modelling; post-harvest technology; paddy farmers; Indonesia; flooding; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; multi expert MCDM; multicriteria decision making; ME-MCDM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2014.060158
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2014 Vol.14 No.2, pp.180 - 192
Received: 20 Apr 2013
Accepted: 19 Aug 2013
Published online: 27 Oct 2014 *