Title: Advanced programming of machine tools: interests of an open CNC controller within a STEP-NC environment
Authors: Matthieu Rauch; Jean-Yves Hascoët; Vincent Simoes; Kelvin Hamilton
Addresses: Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes (IRCCyN), UMR CNRS 6597, 1 rue de la Noe, BP92101, 44321 Nantes Cedex 03, France ' Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes (IRCCyN), UMR CNRS 6597, 1 rue de la Noe, BP92101, 44321 Nantes Cedex 03, France ' Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes (IRCCyN), UMR CNRS 6597, 1 rue de la Noe, BP92101, 44321 Nantes Cedex 03, France ' Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes (IRCCyN), UMR CNRS 6597, 1 rue de la Noe, BP92101, 44321 Nantes Cedex 03, France
Abstract: NC programming still bases upon a heterogeneous and divided CAD/CAM/CNC data chain. Its performances are consequently limited. Tool paths online optimisation is hardly possible. In parallel, emerging new processes like incremental sheet forming or laser additive manufacturing widens the application area of CNC machines. Integrating these processes within intelligent design and manufacturing environments is a great scientific challenge. Meeting these requirements necessitates the use of STEP-NC programming approach (ISO 14649), which benefits from a large support from international industrials and academics. A major interest of STEP-NC is to transfer a large part of the decisions concerning the process implementation to the CNC controller. This paper introduces the advanced CNC programming platform developed at the IRCCyN laboratory, STEP-NC Platform for Advanced and Intelligent Manufacturing (SPAIM). An extension of SPAIM for machines equipped with open CNC controller is proposed as well. These research works are carried out within the FP7 European Project Fofdation.
Keywords: CAD/CAM/CNC; STEP-NC; advanced programming; open CNC controller; machine tools; open control; CADCAM; NC programming; CNC machining; intelligent manufacturing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMM.2014.059184
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 2014 Vol.15 No.1/2, pp.2 - 17
Received: 19 Feb 2013
Accepted: 20 Jun 2013
Published online: 13 May 2014 *