Title: Spatial multi-database integration for emergency operations support
Authors: William E. Roper
Addresses: Department of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Abstract: Geospatial information systems and their application to emergency response can be very beneficial but many technology adoption barriers need to be overcome for best utilisation. Considerations for the management of infrastructure and transportation systems during a disaster situation are presented. A case study of the experience and lessons learned from geospatial technology applications for the New York City response to terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center is also addressed. The opportunities for information systems leveraging geospatial data sources are reviewed. Remote sensing imaging and non-imaging sources of information are explored. Coordination and sharing of information is explored to improve the ability of multiple organisations to more effectively manage and respond to emergency situations. The use of geospatial information was only a part of the total recovery activity but did provide important assistance throughout the recovery operation. Samples of geospatial technologies used in the recovery are presented. These include 3-D visualisation, thermal infrared imagery, LIDAR data systems, IKONOS one-meter panchromatic imagery, SPOT imagery and the use of digital aerial imagery. The general area of disaster response management is also addressed and the findings of various studies in this area are summarised. Recommendations for the use of information systems and geospatial sensors and products in the future for infrastructure management are presented.
Keywords: technology transfer; world trade center recovery; information systems; critical infrastructure protection; geospatial information; IKONOS satellite data; digital imagery; data management; disaster management; LIDAR; infrared remote sensing; GIS mapping; global positioning system; technology adoption barriers; emergency response; transportation systems; terrorist attacks; information sharing; information coordination; visualisation; thermal imaging; digital aerial imagery; infrastructure management; emergency management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2005.005798
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2005 Vol.4 No.1, pp.3 - 30
Published online: 06 Dec 2004 *
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