Title: The next ''killer ap'' has been here all along: case studies as practical business applications

Authors: William M. Shanahan

Addresses: Shanahan Marketing Communications, Chicago, USA; International School of Management 148, rue de Grenelle, Paris, 75007 France

Abstract: The next ||killer ap|| is a term the software development community uses to describe its great quest for advancing technology by defining and meeting users| needs and wants and rapidly diffusing it throughout the market. By making a computer application (program) that meets those needs and making it is so ubiquitously available, it creates a flood of demand. Business managers are also questing after killer aps, but of another kind. These aps are neither confined to computers nor necessarily for new product development; they are for aiding the firm with detecting problems and finding solutions. The quest may seem quixotic, unless managers remember earlier ways of discovery and learning. We bring in the business case study.

Keywords: business case study; case history; cases; killer ap; problems; solutions; investigation; analysis; decision making; business applications.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMDM.2004.005649

International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2004 Vol.5 No.4, pp.392 - 402

Published online: 08 Nov 2004 *

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