Title: The management of financial resources to sustain the academic incubators of entrepreneurial ideas: the case of University Federico II of Napoli
Authors: Eugenio Corti, Ilenia Torello
Addresses: Pole of Science and Technology, University Federico II of Napoli, Italy. ' Pole of Science and Technology, University Federico II of Napoli, Italy
Abstract: Since 2001, the Pole of Science and Technology (which includes all technical Departments of the University Federico II of Naples) started the Academic Spin-offs Program, a new Program on how to sustain the creation and the development of new companies coming out from the research activities inside its departments. In the paper, the authors will describe the feasibility study of a suitable financial system participated by University, which will select and finance ||good|| ideas. We will show that this organisation cannot be managed directly by either the University or by the local and regional governments, but by a private Management Company.
Keywords: academic spin-offs; entrepreneurship creation; incubators; business ideas; venture capital; regional closed fund; Italy; financial management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2004.005476
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2004 Vol.4 No.4, pp.320 - 330
Published online: 12 Oct 2004 *
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