Title: Understanding followers' duty orientation from Indian management wisdom
Authors: Neetu Jain
Addresses: FORE School of Management, New Delhi 110016, India
Abstract: There has been an active interest in discovering 'Indianness' of Indian management and this can be attained by discovering the roots of our culture. Jaina wisdom and tradition as contributors to the field of Indian management are now being recognised and appreciated for their rich insights applicable to current competitive scenario. This study critically reviews the Uttarãdhyayana Sutra, one of the four Mula Sutras of Jain canon, to extract nuances of characteristics of followers. The corporate of today can derive from this sutra valuable knowledge about the conduct of follower towards his leader. The purpose of this paper is to explore the applicability of verses of Uttarãdhyayana Sutra in relation to the subordinates' duty orientation towards their leader. This paper illustrates the qualities of a Savineet (polite and disciplined) and Avineet (impolite and undisciplined) disciple in a very subtle way. If we apply the attributes of a Guru to the boss and those of a disciple to a follower or subordinate, then we get a fair idea of the qualities that we expect a subordinate to possess and his duties towards his supervisor or boss. Author presented a 'DISCIPLE' approach of followership, which summarises the essence of good followers.
Keywords: Indian culture; followers; duty orientation; Jaina wisdom; conduct; Savineet; Avineet; Indian management; India; gurus; disciples.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2013.053108
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2013 Vol.6 No.3, pp.362 - 381
Published online: 13 Dec 2013 *
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