Title: Recent development trends in sheet metal forming
Authors: Miklós Tisza
Addresses: Department of Materials Processing Technologies, University of Miskolc, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, H-3515 Hungary
Abstract: Sheet metal forming is one of the most important key technologies in manufacturing industry. It may be reasoned by several facts, among them the economy of the sheet-forming processes concerning the material and energy consumption, as well as the overall cost efficiency. To keep this key role of sheet metal forming in manufacturing industry, a continuous development is necessary concerning the materials, the development of new innovative forming processes, the tooling and manufacturing equipment. The ever-increasing requirements stated by the automotive industry may be regarded as one of the main driving forces behind sheet-metal-forming innovations. In this paper, some recent developments in sheet metal forming will be overviewed concerning the materials and process developments, as well as the application of various methods of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE).
Keywords: sheet metal forming; development trends; new materials; process innovation; CAE; computer aided engineering; FEM; finite element method; automotive manufacturing; automobile industry.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2013.052651
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2013 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.125 - 140
Published online: 30 Apr 2013 *
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