Title: The 21st century nuclear park: a source of energy, water, food, and jobs
Authors: William J. Madia
Addresses: Battelle, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201, USA
Abstract: The concept of a nuclear-powered agro-industrial complex, or ||nuplex||, first advanced 40 years ago, provides an increasingly attractive means of addressing critical challenges in developing nations. The nuplex concept, updated for the 21st century, can serve as the basis for a nuclear park that provides a safe, environmentally friendly, and reliable source of energy at a cost comparable to other means of generation. This 21st century nuclear park can meet burgeoning demands for new sources of power and water, support the development of highly efficient agriculture to supply food to a growing world population, and offer employment at levels ranging from unskilled to highly skilled, thus creating opportunities for economic development and improving the quality of life in regions where it is deployed.
Keywords: nuclear-powered agro-industrial complex; nuplex; environmentally friendly; reliable sources; energy sources; water; employment; agriculture; economic development; quality of life; nuclear park; nuclear power; nuclear energy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2004.005262
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2004 Vol.1 No.1, pp.7 - 19
Published online: 17 Sep 2004 *
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