Title: Construction debris recycle: assigning the costs to where they belong
Authors: Manfred Fehr; Rogério Borges Marques
Addresses: Institute of Geography, Federal University, 38400 902 Uberlândia MG, Brazil. ' National Secretariat of Housing, Ministry of Cities, 70070 010 Brasilia DF, Brazil
Abstract: The research reported here developed a management model for construction and demolition waste in a Brazilian municipality with material flow sheet and economical balances. This waste is produced at a rate of 1.7 kg per person per day. The private construction sector is called upon to run and fund the waste movement network through correct fee structures. The heart of the network is a sorting and treatment facility that receives pre-sorted waste from construction sites and routes all sorted components to their correct destinations, mainly grinded concrete material for further use in construction and recyclable material for reverse logistics.
Keywords: construction waste; demolition waste; construction debris recycling; construction waste management; recycling costs; environmental engineering; cost assignment; Brazil; material flow; economic balance; fee structures; concrete; reverse logistics.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2013 Vol.5 No.1, pp.32 - 40
Accepted: 26 Dec 2011
Published online: 07 Nov 2013 *