Title: Common environmental infrastructure: case study on the management of common effluent treatment plants
Authors: A.K.A. Rathi
Addresses: Faculty of Planning and Public Policy, Anchor Institute for Infrastructure, CEPT University, Kasturbhai Lalbhai Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, India
Abstract: The concept of common environmental infrastructure including common effluent treatment plants (CETPs) became popular in India due to several driving forces. A large number of small and medium enterprises located in industrial agglomerate joined hands in setting up such facilities with financial assistance from government. A study is made on the management of eight CETPs located in different industrial estates in Gujarat (India) manufacturing a wide range of chemicals. Various parameters including management styles of CETP operating agencies, wastewater collection and disposal mechanism, design and operating hydraulic as well as pollution load in terms of BOD and COD, capacity utilisation, operational efficiency, sludge generation, capital as well as operating costs involved, etc., are compared. Such facilities play a vital role in promoting industrial clusters especially for small and medium enterprises in developing countries.
Keywords: common environmental infrastructure; industrial infrastructure; effluent treatment plants; CETPs; wastewater management; wastewater treatment plants; pollution control; pollution load reduction; industrial development; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; SME clusters; industrial areas; environmental protection; environmental pollution; chemical manufacturing; BOD; biochemical oxygen demand; COD; chemical oxygen demand; capacity utilisation; operational efficiency; sludge generation; capital; operating costs.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2013 Vol.5 No.1, pp.93 - 110
Received: 07 Feb 2009
Accepted: 08 Dec 2009
Published online: 31 Oct 2013 *