Title: The use of methods in new product development - a review of empirical literature
Authors: Marc Graner; Magdalena Mißler-Behr
Addresses: Faculty of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering, Brandenburg University of Technology, Erich-Weinert-Straße 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany. ' Faculty of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering, Brandenburg University of Technology, Erich-Weinert-Straße 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany
Abstract: In recent years, scholars have devoted increasing attention to the use of methods in new product development. For the first time, this paper provides a systematic review of literature on empirical research into the use of methods in new product development. The paper shows that the use of methods has a positive impact on innovation performance. It also categorises new product development methods and provides an overview of those methods that are used particularly frequently and that are especially effective. This literature review contributes to the body of research on this topic by discussing possible directions for future research that might facilitate a better understanding of the optimal use of methods in new product development as a key success factor in the context of innovation.
Keywords: new product development; NPD success factors; literature review; empirical research; innovation performance.
International Journal of Product Development, 2012 Vol.16 No.2, pp.158 - 184
Received: 05 Nov 2011
Accepted: 12 Jul 2012
Published online: 30 Dec 2014 *