Title: Application of dynamic service composition in web question answering
Authors: Liu Wang; Lejian Liao; Peng Li
Addresses: School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Key Lab. of Intelligent Information, Beijing, 100081, China. ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Key Lab. of Intelligent Information, Beijing, 100081, China. ' School of Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Key Lab. of Intelligent Information, Beijing, 100081, China
Abstract: Web Question Answering (WQA) and Web Service (WS) are parallel fields in intelligent web computing. In network services, they are used widely, and they are rarely combined together. For many intelligent web applications, however, using them together tends to be important. This paper based on the study of significant techniques of WQA, WS and Hierarchical Task Network (HTN), including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Web Service Ontology and a planner of HTN, gives a proposal of WQA framework. This framework combines NLP, predicate logic, Semantic Web description and an HTN planner-SHOP2, turning question answering into a planning problem by question mapping and service planning. It addresses a transition from natural language to semantic expression, composites web services dynamically by using SHOP2, and obtains the answering that meets customers' question by executing the web services sequence.
Keywords: WQA; web question answering; semantic web services; dynamic service composition; OWL-S; natural language processing; NLP; HTN; hierarchical task networks; intelligent web; web service ontology; question mapping; service planning; web query services.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2012.047982
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2012 Vol.5 No.3, pp.300 - 307
Received: 07 Dec 2011
Accepted: 22 Mar 2012
Published online: 11 Jan 2015 *