Title: Frends Technology Company: a case study of Biztalk Server - a strategic Microsoft technology
Authors: Belle Selene Xia
Addresses: Department of Economics, University of Helsinki; HECER, P.O. Box 17 (Arkadiankatu 7), FI-00014, Finland
Abstract: We have seen the trend towards research in information communication technologies, especially efficient information systems. This topic is crucial for companies that have to respond to increasing customer demand. Currently, few cases have been devoted to the subject partially due to the lack of data. Microsoft Biztalk Technology, with positive customer feedback, connects different platforms together and facilitates the cooperation between business partners in a user-friendly environment. The benefits bought by the Biztalk Server include effective customer relationship management and efficient business process automation. Consequently, the internal costs saved using such a technology are huge. In addition, there exist opportunities for profit maximisation as a result of new business partners. While alternative business solutions exist, process management remains important for every company regardless of its market position. Subsequently, Frends Technology Company has built its operating principals on top of a strategic Microsoft technology.
Keywords: information systems management; system integration; business process automation; Microsoft BizTalk Server; business cooperation; customer relationship management; CRM; process management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2012.047532
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2012 Vol.10 No.3, pp.298 - 311
Published online: 16 Aug 2014 *
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