Title: Can mobile services facilitate commerce? Findings from the Greek telecommunications market
Authors: John Mylonakis
Addresses: International Board of Auditors, NATO, Boulevard Leopold III, 1110, Brussels, Belgium
Abstract: Mobile commerce opportunities cover mobile initiatives that are designed to achieve strategic change in downstream activities through direct interaction with the customer. Customer knowledge must reach all the necessary parts of a mobile company to be useful, such as through an electronic knowledge repository. But mobile services involve more than just sending knowledge. They incorporate both technical and cultural challenges. To deliver superior service quality, companies must first understand how customers perceive and evaluate mobile customer services. Marketers need to offer genuinely useful information, adding real value to their corporate messages and transaction simplicity (easy to use, quick to deliver, cheap to process). Mobile technology provides companies with a great number of marketing options. Mobile marketing is considered as a new and effective communication channel to the benefit of consumers.
Keywords: m-commerce; m-business; e-commerce; e-services; retail; strategic business models; permission marketing; mobile marketing; mobile branding; interactive technology; mobile commerce; mobile communications.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2004 Vol.2 No.2, pp.188 - 198
Published online: 26 May 2004 *
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