Title: Developing online auction with behavioural and intuitive functions
Authors: Dave E. Marcial; Josel Pasilan; Andrew Glovasa; Alfran Keith Consing; Carl Louie Mamhot; Aine Aira Tomada
Addresses: College of Computer Studies, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City, 6200 Negros Oriental, Philippines. ' College of Computer Studies, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City, 6200 Negros Oriental, Philippines. ' College of Computer Studies, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City, 6200 Negros Oriental, Philippines. ' College of Computer Studies, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City, 6200 Negros Oriental, Philippines. ' College of Computer Studies, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City, 6200 Negros Oriental, Philippines. ' College of Computer Studies, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City, 6200 Negros Oriental, Philippines
Abstract: This paper discusses the techniques and methods in developing a web-based auction site which integrates behavioural targeting into its design. This paper further presents and explains several theorems in achieving behavioural and intuitive approaches to online auctioning process. The system, called i-BID, is developed using Web 2.0 standards in its design to demonstrate the implementation of the behavioural and intuitive approaches. This online system is objectively developed to provide users with a rich, intuitive, and efficient interface. i-BID was rated high on the 'ease and intuitiveness' criterion while the general impact of the behavioural targeting functions of the site is fairly high.
Keywords: online auctions; behavioural targeting; intuitive functions; web-based auctions; Web 2.0; ease of use; intuitiveness.
DOI: 10.1504/IJITCC.2012.045806
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence, 2012 Vol.2 No.1, pp.71 - 89
Published online: 16 Aug 2014 *
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