Title: Creative climate: a critical success factor for 21st century organisations
Authors: Hilton Barrett; Joseph L. Balloun; Art Weinstein
Addresses: Davis School of Business and Economics, Elizabeth City State University, Weeksville Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, USA ' Mercer University, 3001 Mercer University Drive, Atlanta, GA 30341-4155, USA ' Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University, 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796, USA
Abstract: Organisations often fail to recognise the internal factors that lead to better strategy development and facilitate implementation thereby increasing business performance. The critical success factors of creative culture, learning orientation (LRN), entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation (MKT) and organisational flexibility can be as important to performance as external factors such as the economy or competition. This paper takes a holistic perspective and examines the relationships between these factors and performance. All five of these factors are highly correlated with each other and with organisational performance. As a whole, the factors account for 30% of the variation of organisational performance. In addition, the study demonstrated the moderating effects of creative climate with LRN and its minimal moderating effects with MKT.
Keywords: creative climate; organisational flexibility; corporate entrepreneurship; organisational performance; learning orientation; market orientation; moderating variables; critical factors; success factors; internal factors; strategy development; business performance; creative cultures; holistic perspectives; relationships; external factors; economy; competition; performance variations; moderating effects; USA; United States; North Carolina; Tennessee; South Carolina; Georgia; Florida; business innovation; business research.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2012.045637
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2012 Vol.6 No.2, pp.202 - 219
Published online: 12 Dec 2014 *
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