Title: Genomic technologies and the imminent set-backs in developing nations

Authors: William Ebomoyi; Shankar Srinivasan

Addresses: Department of Health Studies, College of Health Science, Chicago State University, Chicago, Illinois 60628-1598, USA. ' Department of Health Informatics, University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey 07107-3001, USA

Abstract: This study focuses on the trajectory of the human genome sequencing and the emanating technologies developed to address the leading causes of death in the industrialised nations. It also examined the flourishing biotechnology and industrial start-up companies established for wealth creation. However, in the developing and underdeveloped nations, we discussed the inability of these nations to have access to capital, the internet and other telecommunication network to create quadripartite linkage among governments, industries, universities, venture capitalists who create local start-up companies. The need to ingeniously revise and develop innovative technologically-oriented curricula in their academic institutions was emphasised. By far most important, they must invest intellectual resources to eliminate the existing barriers between scientific disciplines and behavioural sciences, because genomics is an eclectic science. Expert committees formed from these intellectual groups could devise the strategies and recommendations to eliminate poverty, reduce unemployment and eventually create badly needed national wealth.

Keywords: genomic technologies; developed nations; developing nations; underdeveloped nations; developing countries; biotechnology companies; international human genome sequencing consortium; IHGSC; pharmaceutical companies; China; Beijing Genomic Institute; BGI; technological set-backs; inadequate internet access; gene gateway; collaboration mechanisms; intellectual resources.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMEI.2011.044751

International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, 2011 Vol.3 No.4, pp.369 - 380

Published online: 07 Mar 2015 *

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