Title: Incinerator location conflict: How opponents try not to be the losers of the public decision making?
Authors: Philippe Jeanneaux
Addresses: VetAgro Sup – Campus agronomique de Clermont-UMR Metafort, 89, avenue de l'Europe F-63370 Lempdes, France
Abstract: The lack of monetary compensation and the difficulty for residents to exit close to an incinerator lead them to protest the construction of waste facilities. Opponents try to change undesirable locations to maintain their welfare. With a cost-benefit analysis, our incinerator location model attempts to measure both transportation and externality costs in comparable units. Two extreme behaviours are being tested: the maximisation of the distance from the facility to the residents| homes to avoid externality vs. the minimisation of distance from the households to the incinerator to reduce transportation costs. The aim of this article is to present the effects of opponents on the incinerator location and to propose an idea according to which conflict can change the distribution of resources in society.
Keywords: facility location; land use conflict; willingness to pay; local public choice; cost-benefit analysis; incinerator location; location conflicts; incinerators; waste facilities; monetary compensation; resident exits; modelling; transport costs; externality costs; residential homes; resource distribution.
DOI: 10.1504/WRSTSD.2011.044211
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2011 Vol.8 No.2/3/4, pp.114 - 134
Published online: 13 Dec 2011 *
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