Title: A new delay-dependent synchronisation criterion for Lur’e systems with delay feedback control
Authors: Jin Xu; Huibin Zhu; Baotong Cui
Addresses: College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China. ' College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China. ' College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
Abstract: This paper considers the H? synchronisation of a class of time-delayed chaotic systems with external disturbance. Based on delay-dividing approach, a delay-dependent synchronisation condition is obtained by constructing a new Lyapunov functional, and one simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed chaos synchronisation scheme.
Keywords: external disturbance; delay-dependent synchronisation; delay dividing; time-delayed chaotic systems; feedback control; simulation; chaos synchronisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2011.043887
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2011 Vol.42 No.1, pp.73 - 80
Published online: 27 Nov 2011 *
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