Title: Analysis of a dual-arm mobile robot dynamics and balance compensation
Authors: Ting-Yu Zhang; Jian Jin; Guo-Xian Zhang
Addresses: Department of Mechatronics and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. ' Department of Mechatronics and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. ' Department of Mechatronics and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
Abstract: The kinematic and dynamic behaviours of a robot manipulator on an elastic catenary cable were investigated. The dynamic equations of the robot and the cable were derived based on the Newton-Euler principle and Hamilton principle respectively. The recursive formulations describing the nonlinear and coupling dynamics relationship between the robot and the cable were presented. Based on the rigid-flexible coupling model proposed in this paper, a dynamic compensation technique with complementary control strategy was discussed which was implemented to adjust the posture of the robot and restrain the vibration that arise the flexible characteristics of the cable. The simulation and experiment results shown in this paper validate the effectiveness of the dynamic compensation.
Keywords: elastic catenary cables; dual-arm robots; mobile robots; robot dynamics; balance compensation; inspection; rigid-flexible coupling; robot kinematics; robot control; vibration; simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2011.042699
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2011 Vol.41 No.3/4, pp.246 - 252
Published online: 26 Sep 2011 *
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