Title: EduSHARE: a peer to peer document sharing system for obtaining adaptive learning procedures
Authors: Michele Angelaccio, Berta Buttarazzi
Addresses: University of Roma 'Tor Vergata', Via del Politecnico, 00133 Rome, Italy. ' University of Roma 'Tor Vergata', Via del Politecnico, 00133 Rome, Italy
Abstract: Technology enhanced learning tools are widely used to support learning process activities. The most diffuse technology in this sense is represented by e-learning web platforms that provide remote access to course documents and services. While e-learning should be considered a user-centric paradigm by following the development of each individual task; however, most recent learning practices are still conveniently collaborative, in which the focus is on interacting and sharing the most profitable information for a scheduled goal lesson. This article presents EduSHARE, a P2P distributed learning system based on a group-based file sharing extended with dynamic test modules aimed to be integrated in a course to cope with need to make exercises in a dynamic way enforcing students to cooperate better. This approach meets the recent trend of collaborative learning system for integrating enhanced learning process and student-teacher interaction that are empowered by the advancement of technology. The goal is to reach an improved interactivity between several actors playing in a common lesson scenario; we also expect an increased student concentration due to a more interesting and interacting lesson.
Keywords: distributed systems; EduSHARE; learning processes; adaptive processes; P2P; peer to peer; computer networks; networking; distributed applications; application architecture; document sharing; diffuse technology; e-learning; web platforms; electronic learning; online learning; internet; world wide web; remote access; course documents; user-centric paradigms; individual tasks; task development; learning practices; collaboration; group-based sharing; file sharing; dynamic modules; test modules; module integration; student cooperation; collaborative learning; enhanced learning; improved interactivity; common lessons; increased concentration; student concentration; interacting lessons; advertisements; Italy; higher education; universities; technology enhanced learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2011.042103
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2011 Vol.3 No.5, pp.525 - 535
Published online: 26 Feb 2015 *
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