Title: Solutions for scientific problems related with temperature SNF storage regime
Authors: Vladimir I. Kalinkin, Natalia P. Shafrova, Vladimir G. Kritsky, Tatiana G. Volukhova, A.A. Zubkov, O.P. Krektunov, S.V. Kassirov
Addresses: OJSC Leading Institute VNIPIET (East-European Leading Scientific Research and Design Institute for Energy Technologies), 82 Savushkina Street, 197183 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. ' OJSC Leading Institute VNIPIET (East-European Leading Scientific Research and Design Institute for Energy Technologies), 82 Savushkina Street, 197183 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. ' OJSC Leading Institute VNIPIET (East-European Leading Scientific Research and Design Institute for Energy Technologies), 82 Savushkina Street, 197183 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. ' OJSC Leading Institute VNIPIET (East-European Leading Scientific Research and Design Institute for Energy Technologies), 82 Savushkina Street, 197183 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. ' ICYaK, 192019, nab.Obvodnogo kanala, 14, St. Petersburg, Russia. ' ICYaK, 192019, nab.Obvodnogo kanala, 14, St. Petersburg, Russia. ' ICYaK, 192019, nab.Obvodnogo kanala, 14, St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract: The dry long-term storage facility (SFSF-2) is a chamber-type structure formed by cast-in-place steel-concrete walls, top and bottom floorings separated with lateral steel-concrete partitions to several chambers. The main task in the creation of the storage facility is to provide an efficient natural air circulation circuit. A broad scope of experimental and computation researches has been carried out to solve that scientific task. Special test benches have been designed to simulate thermal processes, air motion in the circuit of natural circulation and to verify, based on the research outcomes, computer codes |Fluent| and |Conrad| in terms of computation of temperature distribution within the facility|s components. Computation outcomes of the RBMMK-1000 Fuel Assemblies temperature conditions within casks placed in chamber-type storage facility wells in case of uniform loading of the wells within the dry storage facility chamber in two tiers of casks with maximally possible decay heat capacity have shown that maximal fuel cladding temperatures are lower than those set by input requirements.
Keywords: spent nuclear fuel; SNF storage; dry storage; passive heat release; simulation; temperature distribution; air circulation; thermal processes; nuclear energy; nuclear power; fuel cladding temperatures.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2011.041644
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2011 Vol.6 No.2, pp.109 - 120
Published online: 14 Feb 2015 *
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