Title: Impulsive synchronisation for a class of non-linear coupled reaction-diffusion systems
Authors: Wanli Yang, Suwen Zheng, Li Huang
Addresses: Institute of Nonlinear Science, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072, China. ' Institute of Nonlinear Science, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072, China. ' Department of Mathematics, Hebei University of Economics and Trade, Shijiazhuang 050061, China
Abstract: Using the non-linear theory and methods, a class of non-linear coupled reaction-diffusion systems is studied. The existences of global solutions of the systems with and without impulses are obtained. By using Lyapunov function and comparison theorem, a criterion of impulsive synchronisation for the driving and the driven systems is established. As the application, an example about impulsive synchronisation is given, and the numerical simulation shows the methods are effective.
Keywords: reaction-diffusion systems; global solutions; impulsive synchronisation; nonlinear systems; Lyapunov function; comparison theorem; numerical simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAMECHS.2011.040685
International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 2011 Vol.3 No.2, pp.139 - 147
Published online: 18 Mar 2015 *
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