Title: The principles of Natural Sequence Farming
Authors: John Williams
Addresses: Natural Resources Commission, Level 10, 15 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Abstract: The paper outlines the four fundamental principles of Natural Sequence Farming (NSF). It explains historical changes in the Australian landscape affecting vegetation, drainage, and morphology, including the typical perched water flows. NSF management techniques are analysed as structural and non-structural and, in the opinion of the CSIRO Expert Panel, both produce manifold benefits in terms of erosive water velocities, aquifer recharge, soil structure, erosion, compaction, and pasture productivity, to name a few.
Keywords: NSF; natural sequence farming; soil function; flow regimes; groundwater recharge; erosion control; salinity control; pioneer plants; ecosystem health; agriculture; Australia; perched water flows; aquifer recharge.
International Journal of Water, 2010 Vol.5 No.4, pp.396 - 400
Published online: 24 Feb 2011 *
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