Title: Implementation of Six Sigma in Indian industries – a Delphi study

Authors: R.K. Padhy, S. Sahu, R.K. Das

Addresses: Department of Industrial Engg. & Mgmt., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India. ' Department of Industrial Engg. & Mgmt., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India. ' Department of Mechanical Engg., College of Engg. & Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003, India

Abstract: A Delphi study was carried out to review and analyse the critical issues that affect Six Sigma initiatives in Indian context. This research is aimed at assisting Six Sigma management professionals, researchers and organisations to gain a better understanding of the critical factors that affect the successful implementation of the programme in India, and its future evolution. Consensus among experts has been arrived upon various issues related to implementation of Six Sigma. The expert opinions invited on various issues have been discussed in the context of present scenario. The main consensual issues as prioritised by the experts are top management commitment, developing an effective system for project selection, monitoring and selection of right people, with strong emphasis on training. The experts| priorities also focus on effective resource management and communication system. Based on the conclusion drawn from the study and literature reviewed, the effective implementation of Six Sigma also warrants the identification of the risk associated with it, and the development of an appropriate system to mitigate the risk at the earliest.

Keywords: Delphi study; six sigma; critical success factors; CSF; key drivers; India.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2011.037866

International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 2011 Vol.3 No.1, pp.19 - 33

Published online: 30 Sep 2014 *

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