Title: The impact of technology on network diversity
Authors: Cindi Smatt, Paul Fadil
Addresses: Department of Management Information Systems, The Mays College of Business, Texas A&M University, 330C Wehner, MS 4217, College Station, TX 77846, USA. ' Department of Management, The Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to identify the barriers to career advancement and to investigate how technology may help to lift these barriers. Specifically, the authors look at the moderating effects of technology on network composition and career success and its impact on diversity in communication networks. This paper proposes the degree to which demographic variables predict career success. Technology is used to lift the barrier present for individuals dissimilar to those in the influential network. This facilitates participation and acceptance of individuals who would otherwise not communicate with individuals in the influential network.
Keywords: diversity issues; social networks; participation; technology; career success; barriers; career advancement; communication networks.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIIM.2010.037860
International Journal of Intercultural Information Management, 2010 Vol.2 No.3, pp.189 - 201
Published online: 31 Dec 2010 *
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