Title: Venture capital management towards the leading biotechnology centre of Canada
Authors: Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat
Addresses: College of Innovation, Thammasat University, Anekprasong 3 Building, Prachan Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Abstract: This paper concerns the venture capital (VC) management with a focus on exploring the emergence of Quebec as the leading biotechnology centre in Canada. The research analyses the government policies and programmes in financing innovations to understand the risk capital management process. The key government initiatives as well as the organisations/institutions established to create the dynamic and innovative system underpinning the industrial development of Canada are also examined. It is argued that within the Canadian National System of Innovation, the government is an effective player in planning and implementing policies for industrial competitiveness. This paper provides insights on effective VC management of the major industrial clusters within the major metropolitan areas of Quebec and Ontario of Canada.
Keywords: NSI; national systems of innovation; innovation systems; venture capital financing; industrial clusters; risk capital management; risk management; Quebec; biotechnology centres; Canada; government policies; innovation finance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2010.036922
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2010 Vol.10 No.4, pp.360 - 374
Published online: 16 Nov 2010 *
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