Title: Fuzzy MCDM for evaluating the e-commerce strategy
Authors: Yi-Chia Chiu, Joseph Z. Shyu, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Chung Yuan Christian University, No. 22 Pu-Jen, Pu-chung Li, Chung-Li 32023, Taiwan. Department of Business Administration, Chung Yuan Christian University, No. 22 Pu-Jen, Pu-chung Li, Chung-Li 32023, Taiwan. Department of Business Administration, Chung Yuan Christian University, No. 22 Pu-Jen, Pu-chung Li, Chung-Li 32023, Taiwan
Abstract: This study aimed to provide a theoretically and empirically based model for evaluating and selecting an e-commerce strategy. In practical environments, mangers face a variety of information types that are vague. Traditional decision making methods cannot fulfill the e-commerce managers| needs. Therefore, a Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) method is adopted in this research. In order to show the practicality and usefulness of this model, an empirical study of the Taiwan ISP industry is demonstrated. The results show that the first to market strategy is the most applicable.
Keywords: AHP; e-commerce strategy; fuzzy MCDM; Taiwan; electronic commerce.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2004.003656
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2004 Vol.19 No.1, pp.12 - 22
Published online: 02 Oct 2003 *
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