Title: Non-destructive analysis and express control of technological processing of polymer compositions: II. Isothermal physical and chemical kinetics
Authors: M. Mateev, I. Peruhov
Addresses: Department of Experimental Physics, Plovdiv University, Tsar Assen str. 24,4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. ' Department of Physics and Mathematics, High Agricultural Institute, Mendeleev str. 12, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: The capabilities of the elastic and dissipative dynamical mechanic functions, measured using the combined right torsion pendulum method, have been established with respect to the achievement of express testing and non-destructive control of the isothermal processes of drying of polymer solutions and of the chemical kinetics of olygomers put to isothermal curing. It has been established that tgδG = f(t) was a more sensitive mechanical dynamic function than G′′ = f(t) with respect to the studying of isothermal physical kinetics. An isothermal relaxation transition, accompanying both the processes of physical and chemical kinetics of the tested materials, has been observed. The chemical kinetics of a typical reactoplast, a type of epoxy resin put to isothermal curing, has been established too. A transition from viscoflow into the rubber-like state has been observed.
Keywords: dynamical mechanic functions; isothermal physical kinetics; isothermal chemical kinetics; nondestructive analysis; polymers; polymer processing; reactoplast; relaxation transition; torsion pendulum; olygomers; isothermal curing; epoxy resins.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.1997.036358
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 1997 Vol.12 No.2/3, pp.162 - 171
Published online: 02 Nov 2010 *
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