Title: Integrated design of practicum and end-of-course assignment in the teacher training degree
Authors: Maria Carme Boque Torremorell, Montserrat Alguacil De Nicolas, Merce Panellas Valls
Addresses: Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology and Educational and Sports Sciences, Ramon Llull University, FPCEE Blanquerna, c/ Cister, 34 – 08022 Barcelona, Spain. ' Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology and Educational and Sports Sciences, Ramon Llull University, FPCEE Blanquerna, c/ Cister, 34 – 08022 Barcelona, Spain. ' Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology and Educational and Sports Sciences, Ramon Llull University, FPCEE Blanquerna, c/ Cister, 34 – 08022 Barcelona, Spain
Abstract: Teacher training at the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology and Educational and Sports Sciences (FPCEE), in Barcelona, has a long pedagogical tradition based on teaching innovation. Its educational style is characterised by methods focused on the students| involvement and on close collaboration with teaching practice centres. Within a core subject in the Teacher Training diploma course, students were asked to assess different methodological proposals aimed at promoting the development of their personal, social, and professional competences. In the assessment surveys, from a sample of 145 students, scores for variables very satisfactory or satisfactory ranged from 95.8% to 83.4% for the entire set of methodological actions under analysis. Data obtained in this first research phase were very useful to design basic training modules for the new Teacher Training degree. In the second phase (in process), active teachers are asked for their perception on the orientation of the practicum, its connection with the end-of-course assignment, and the in-service student|s incidence on innovation processes at school.
Keywords: teacher training; competences; basic training; practicum; end-of-course assignment; innovation; schools; knowledge; learning.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2010 Vol.6 No.1, pp.55 - 66
Published online: 05 Aug 2010 *
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