Title: A routing-profitable MAC protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Authors: San-Yuan Wang, Lain-Chyr Hwang, Tzu-Chiang Ma, Chia-Hsu Kuo
Addresses: Department of Information Engineering, I-Shou University, 840 Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ' Department of Electrical Engineering, I-Shou University, 840 Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ' Telecom Technology Center, Taiwan. ' Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Abstract: Owing to the characteristics of rapid deployment and flexible configuration, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) have many applications in civilian environment, law enforcement, military arena, etc. Among these applications, data packets have to disseminate from nodes to nodes hop by hop. To facilitate these applications with much traffic among nodes, the crucial operation of MANET is routing. This paper investigates the chance to enhance the performance of routing protocol by modifying the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol. The basic idea is to increase the transmission chance for those nodes that want to relay data. Through exhaust simulation on ns-2, our novel MAC protocol enhances the on-demand routing protocols more than that of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) in various system parameters.
Keywords: MAC protocol; medium access control; BEB; binary exponential back-off; routing; MANETs; mobile ad hoc networks; mobile networks; routing protocols; simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2010.034217
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2010 Vol.4 No.3, pp.188 - 195
Published online: 28 Jul 2010 *
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