Title: China's wine market: strategic considerations for Western exporters
Authors: Carlos Moslares, Ricardo Ubeda
Addresses: Facultad Economia IQS, Via Augusta 390, Barcelona 08017, Spain. ' Facultad Economia IQS, Via Augusta 390, Barcelona 08017, Spain
Abstract: With consumption rising 10–15% per year, there is no doubt about the potential of Chinese wine market. Market share and global exports from Western countries have been continuously increasing starting a trend of annual double digit growth these past years and almost making the Chinese market|s limit unreachable. However, there are some facts that seriously affect this trend: the domestic wine production – as demand increases so does domestic production, domestic producers are well aware of the government|s goal of self-sufficiency; the market structure – strong domestic producers and distribution difficulties critically influence strategies for exporters; and the wine consumer|s behaviour – quite different from European or US markets, affecting price and advertising strategies.
Keywords: China; wine market; export strategy; market structure; market data; wine consumers; consumer behaviour; Western exports.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCCM.2010.033737
International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 2010 Vol.3 No.1, pp.69 - 85
Published online: 29 Jun 2010 *
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