Title: Technique assessment for eco-industrial parks in China
Authors: Jutta Geldermann, Martin Treitz, Otto Rentz
Addresses: Georg-August-University Goettingen, Platz der Goettinger Sieben 3, D-37073 Goettingen, Germany. ' Institute of Industrial Production (IIP), University of Karlsruhe (TH), Hertzstr. 16, D-76187 Karlsruhe, Germany. ' Institute of Industrial Production (IIP), University of Karlsruhe (TH), Hertzstr. 16, D-76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract: The planning of large scale industrial parks in China began in the 1980s. The circular economy, especially in eco-industrial parks, is supported; thus the need for technique assessment methods for cleaner production measures in such complex production networks. This paper presents the concept of the multi objective pinch analysis (MOPA), which consists of a combination of pinch analyses with different targets (energy consumption, wastewater generation, consumption of solvents, etc.) and a subsequent multi-criteria analysis. The starting point for its development was the fact that pinch analyses are well-established tools for plant layout design in large chemical installations, whereas such support for small and medium sized enterprises (SME) is still lacking. With the proliferation of industry parks (especially in industrialising countries) and the agglomeration of SME in close neighbourhoods, the potential arises for a coupling of by-product streams for reuse, once a critical mass is reached. In such production networks, various kinds of process streams exist, which call for the various types of pinch analysis. The application of MOPA is demonstrated in a case study on bicycle coating.
Keywords: cleaner production; pinch analysis; decision support; China; eco-industrial parks; production networks; multicriteria analysis; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; bicycle coating; environmental protection; resource efficiency; industrial parks.
DOI: 10.1504/WRSTSD.2010.033313
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2010 Vol.8 No.1, pp.47 - 61
Published online: 24 May 2010 *
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