Title: Enhanced collaboration in diabetic healthcare for children using multi-agent systems
Authors: Peng Zhang, Bengt Carlsson, Stefan J. Johansson
Addresses: Capgemini, Kungsgatan 5, 35230 Vaxjo, Sweden. ' Blekinge Institute of Technology, Soft Center, P.O. Box 520, 37225 Ronneby, Sweden. ' Blekinge Institute of Technology, Soft Center, P.O. Box 520, 37225 Ronneby, Sweden
Abstract: We have developed a multi-agent platform as a complement to the existing healthcare system in a children|s diabetic healthcare setting. It resolves problems related to the difficulty of collaboration between the stakeholders of the problem domain. In addition, it gives us an opportunity to support the decision-making of the stakeholders using multi-agent systems. The collaboration situation is believed to be improved by the agent-based services, such as, diabetes monitoring and alarm, scheduling, and task delegation.
Keywords: multi-agent systems; children; child diabetic healthcare; collaboration; MAS coordination; diabetes monitoring; diabetes alarm; agent-based scheduling; agent-based systems; task delegation; healthcare technology.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAOSE.2010.032800
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 2010 Vol.4 No.2, pp.155 - 173
Published online: 22 Apr 2010 *
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