Title: The role of banking sector in the Arab economic development

Authors: Nidal Rashid Sabri

Addresses: College of Commerce and Economics, Birzeit University, Palestine

Abstract: This paper aims to explore the role of banking system in enhancing the economic growth in the Arab economy. The paper selected nine Arab states using the coefficient correlation between domestic credit as the main engine factor of financial sector and the GDP and capital fixed formation as measures of economic growth for the period 1975 to 2005. The study concluded that there was a significant association between domestic credit and both GDP and fixed capital formation. The study also found that there were different predicted variables found in each of the selected Arab states.

Keywords: economic development; financial sector; banking; banks; economic growth; coefficient correlation; domestic credit; GDP; gross domestic product; capital fixed formations; predicted variables; economic measurement; UAE; United Arab Emirates; Saudi Arabia; Egypt; Kuwait; Oman; Bahrain; Tunisia; Jordan; Morocco; business; emerging markets; economies.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBEM.2010.031690

International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2010 Vol.2 No.2, pp.180 - 192

Published online: 18 Feb 2010 *

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