Title: Sustainable use of water resources in Europe and the role of integrated modelling of phosphate fluxes
Authors: Bjorn Tetzlaff, Jurgen-Friedrich Hake, Harry Vereecken, Frank Wendland
Addresses: Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere (ICG IV: Agrosphere), D-52425 Julich, Germany. ' Forschungszentrum Julich, Institute of Energy Research, Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEF-STE), D-52425 Julich, Germany. ' Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere (ICG IV: Agrosphere), D-52425 Julich, Germany. ' Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Institute for Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere (ICG IV: Agrosphere), D-52425 Julich, Germany
Abstract: Sustainable management of European water resources is advanced by the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. To achieve its aims the directive requires the realisation of cost-efficient programmes of measures. In this context, also measures for reducing phosphate inputs have to be taken, which demands models as quantification tools for the status quo analysis as well as for scenario analyses. An area-differentiated model approach (MEPhos) for the systematic quantification of P-inputs from point and diffuse sources via eight different pathways is presented. Based on the modelling results, source areas of high P-emissions can be localised and management options proposed.
Keywords: phosphate fluxes; diffuse sources; point sources; integrated modelling; eutrophication; EU Water Framework Directive; EU-WFD; sustainability; large river basins; sustainable use; water resources; sustainable development; resource management; water mangement; European Union.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2010.030572
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2010 Vol.10 No.1/2, pp.172 - 193
Published online: 24 Dec 2009 *
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