Title: The role of social entrepreneurship in post-Katrina community recovery
Authors: Emily Chamlee-Wright, Virgil Henry Storr
Addresses: Department of Economics, Beloit College, 700 College St. Beloit, WI 53511, USA. ' Mercatus Center, George Mason University, 3301 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 450, Arlington VA 22201, USA
Abstract: This article explores the role of social entrepreneurship in post-Katrina community recovery. Relying on interviews with a wide variety of stakeholders, including residents, business owners and managers, church pastors, non-profit directors and employees and rental property owners, we conclude that social entrepreneurs perform several key factors after a disaster. These include; a) helping to solve the collective action problem associated with deciding to return and rebuild; b) organising and engaging in outreach, activism and advocacy on behalf of their communities; c) directly assisting in rebuilding efforts and providing essential services. We also pay special attention to how some of these efforts are being frustrated by policy makers and officials.
Keywords: social entepreneurship; post-disaster recovery; Hurricane Katrina; collective action; USA; United States; community entrepreneurship; regional development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIRD.2010.029860
International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 2010 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.149 - 164
Published online: 02 Dec 2009 *
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