Title: Measuring financial integration in the BRIC nations
Authors: Shuming Bai
Addresses: School of Business, The University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Odessa, TX 79762, USA
Abstract: This paper sets out to test the extent of financial integration at several levels. We focus on two key markets: the foreign exchange and equity markets. Results indicate that the BRIC financial markets are fully integrated with the world market and among themselves, but variably integrated with their corresponding regional markets and within their own financial markets. Furthermore, among the BRICs, Brazil exerts the highest level of regional and global integration, demonstrating the greatest influence, followed by Russia, India and China.
Keywords: financial integration; BRIC; equity markets; FX market; financial markets; financial services; vector autoregression; foreign exchange markets; Brazil; Russia; India; China.
International Journal of Services and Standards, 2009 Vol.5 No.3, pp.257 - 275
Published online: 22 Sep 2009 *
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