Title: The state of the art in nuclear power plant instrumentation and control
Authors: H.M. Hashemian
Addresses: AMS Corporation, AMS Technology Center, 9119 Cross Park Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37923, USA
Abstract: Advances over the past decade in process Instrumentation and Control (I&C) for nuclear power plants have occurred in three areas: 1. digital I&C; 2. sensors and transmitters; 3. online monitoring. These areas are the subject of this paper, including a discussion of the related opportunities and challenges.
Keywords: digital instrumentation; digital control; nuclear power plants; NPP; nuclear instrumentation; nuclear control; nuclear energy; nuclear power; sensors; transmitters; online monitoring.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2009.028597
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2009 Vol.4 No.4, pp.330 - 354
Published online: 19 Sep 2009 *
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