Title: Market analysis of mathematics-based software in an expert-founded venture
Authors: Hajime Eto
Addresses: Chiba Keizai University, Department of Management, Todoroki-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, 263-0021, Japan
Abstract: The application of mathematical techniques and the development of related application-ware tend to attract highly educated information scientists trained by mathematics-based education systems, and this preference affects their behaviour in software industries. This paper reports the process and result of market assessment of a mathematical programming (MP) package for a software house to decide whether the MP package development is worth the allocation of the workforce or not. The process started with a literature survey with the aid of science information databases and proceeded to interviews with experts in the ||real world||. This process revealed a gap between technique-based and reality-based ways of judgement and the biased behaviour of experts in different fields. Lessons learned from this process are discussed with a view to the implications for high-tech venture management.
Keywords: market assessment; marketability; mathematical technique; mathematical programming; software industry; venture management; project selection; technology push; need pull.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2000 Vol.19 No.7/8, pp.739-759
Published online: 07 Jul 2003 *
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