Title: Wastewater reuse potential in Pakistan: guidelines for environment and public health protection
Authors: Muhammad Saleem
Addresses: KANUPP Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, KNPC, (PAEC), Karachi, P.O. Box No. 3183, Karachi 75400, Pakistan
Abstract: Pakistan is on the |absolute water scarcity| list consisting of 17 countries which will not have enough water to maintain the present levels of per capita food production. Vital importance of water for sustaining life and promoting development, appropriate technological solutions to augment water resources. Raw wastewater is being used for agriculture irrigation purposes in Pakistan, which may provide an alternate water source however; it has adverse health and environmental impacts. Present status of wastewater generation and reuse are highlighted in the paper. Requirement of proper guidelines for the reuse of treated wastewater also addressed to mitigate the environmental pollution and public health problems in Pakistan.
Keywords: water shortage; wastewater reuse; pathogens; agriculture irrigation; wastewater treatment; Pakistan; environmental pollution; public health.
International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2009 Vol.1 No.3, pp.306 - 320
Published online: 11 Aug 2009 *
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