Title: University-industry technological collaboration in Singapore: emerging patterns and industry concerns
Authors: Poh-Kam Wong
Addresses: Centre for Management of Technology, Graduate School of Business, National University of Singapore, 119260 Singapore
Abstract: Technological collaboration between universities and industry has been growing in importance in Singapore in recent years. This paper synthesises empirical data from recent national R&D surveys as well as three other recent surveys of industrial firms to profile the emerging pattern of university-industry technological collaboration in Singapore, and highlights the key concerns as perceived by industry. Based on these empirical findings, the paper identifies several salient public policy issues that the Singapore government and university policy makers need to address in the future.
Keywords: university-industry technological collaboration; Singapore; S&T policy; R&D management.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1999 Vol.18 No.3/4, pp.270-284
Published online: 06 Jul 2003 *
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