Title: Exergy analysis of an ammonia–water absorption system
Authors: M. Barhoumi, N. Ben Ezzine, A. Bellagi
Addresses: Departement des Sciences Fondamentale et de l'Informatique, Institut Superieur des Technologies Medicales de Tunis, 9, Avenue du Docteur Z.Essafi, Tunis 1006, Tunisia. ' Departement des Sciences Fondamentale et de l'Informatique, Institut Superieur des Technologies Medicales de Tunis, 9, Avenue du Docteur Z.Essafi, Tunis 1006, Tunisia. ' Departement des Sciences Fondamentale et de l'Informatique, Institut Superieur des Technologies Medicales de Tunis, 9, Avenue du Docteur Z.Essafi, Tunis 1006, Tunisia
Abstract: Exergy analysis of an ammonia–water absorption system for cooling applications is presented in this paper. Exergy destruction rate and heat rate in each component of the system are evaluated. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the evaporator and condenser heat loads and exergy destruction rate are less than those of the absorber and generator. This is due to the heat of mixing in the solution. Furthermore, a simulation program is written and used for the determination of the total exergy destruction rate, the effectiveness and the coefficient of performance of the absorption system under different operating conditions.
Keywords: ammonia-water absorption; COP; coefficient of performance; effectiveness; exergy analysis; entropy generation; cooling; heat loads; exergy destruction rate; simulation.
International Journal of Exergy, 2009 Vol.6 No.5, pp.698 - 714
Published online: 28 Jul 2009 *
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