Title: Strategic recurring traits that contribute to firm loyalty: case studies of best business practices

Authors: Alan D. Smith, Stanko Racic

Addresses: Department of Management and Marketing, Robert Morris University, 600th Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 3099, USA. ' Department of Accounting and Finance, Robert Morris University, 600th Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 3099, USA

Abstract: Fostering best business practices by organisations to strategically leverage its human capital and develop the professional intellect are important goals to meet to ensure sustainable levels of profitability and employee productivity. Selected employees from five companies located in the metropolitan area of Pittsburgh, PA, were given a set of questions to answer concerning the successful traits of inspiring leadership, outstanding or knockout facilities and the ability of companies to frame their work as part of a deep, rewarding purpose. Management has found that there is wisdom in this line of thought, even in difficult economic times, since a commitment to develop a corporate culture helps management optimise its human capital|s productivity with the least amount of supervision. Optimisation the potential of the workforce through trust and goodwill, employees and management usually find a convergence of common goals that ultimately increases operational efficiency and profitability for the firm. Usually both employees and management mutually benefit by the optimisation the potential of the workforce through trust and goodwill that ultimately results in a convergence of common goals that increases the firm|s operational efficiency and profitability.

Keywords: best business practice; employee empowerment; intangible assets; professional intellect; strategy; firm loyalty; leadership; human capital; productivity; trust; goodwill.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2009.027205

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2009 Vol.3 No.6, pp.610 - 633

Published online: 17 Jul 2009 *

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