Title: Disjoint camera track matching based on an illumination-tolerant major colour spectrum representation algorithm
Authors: Eric Dahai Cheng
Addresses: Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Victoria Research Laboratory, NICTA, Level 2, Building 193, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia
Abstract: Tracking people across disjoint camera views is a challenging task since the appearance of single individuals may vary significantly across such views. A ||cumulative colour histogram transformation|| algorithm, which is capable of coping with the typical illumination changes occurring, is proposed in this paper. Our disjoint camera track matching is based on a ||Moving Object Incremental Major Colour Spectrum Histogram Representation|| and post-matching integration algorithms, in which moving objects appearance representation is based on an ||online K-means colour-clustering|| algorithm. Experimental results have shown that the matching ability of moving objects in two tracks have been improved significantly.
Keywords: cumulative colour histogram transformation; iterative online K-means clustering; MCSHR; major colour spectrum histogram; colour distance; similarity measurement; disjoint camera track matching; illumination tolerance; object tracking; colour spectrum representation; tracking people; moving objects.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSISE.2008.026789
International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, 2008 Vol.1 No.3/4, pp.168 - 184
Published online: 26 Jun 2009 *
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