Title: Technological cooperation between European and Korean small firms: the patterns and success factors of contracts

Authors: Uhn-Oh Lee, Jinjoo Lee, Bernard Bobe

Addresses: Manager at the Chairman's Office, Samsung Group, 150 Taepyung-Ro, Chug-Ku, Seoul, Korea. ' Professor at the Department of Management and Policy, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 373-1, Kusung-Dong, Yusung-Ku, Taejon 305-70 1, Korea. ' Professor of Economics, Ecole Centrale de Paris, F-92295 Chatenay – Malabry Cedex, Paris, France

Abstract: Technological cooperation is one of the strategic alternatives which can be used to gain entry into foreign markets or to acquire new technology. This study deals with technological cooperation between European and Korean small firms. Their strategies of cooperation differ according to their strategies and resources, and consequently partners are selected by considering the strategic suitability and resource capabilities of potential candidates. This exploratory case study distinguishes four different cooperation types of firms in less developed countries – depender, leader, exploiter, reactor. The authors suggest that the cooperation process and success/failure factors differ according to these types, and that strategic intention based on |win-win| game philosophy is a prerequisite for successful cooperation.

Keywords: technological cooperation; joint ventures; research and development; R&D; small and medium-size enterprises; SMEs; Korea; Europe; technology management.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.1993.025810

International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.6/7/8, pp.764 - 781

Published online: 24 May 2009 *

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