Title: Quality circle programme evaluation: a study in British manufacturing industry
Authors: K. F . Sherwood, Y. Guerrier, B. G. Dale
Addresses: Business School, Tharnes Polytechnic, London, UK. ' Department of Management Studies for Tourism and Hotel Industries, University of Surrey, UK. ' Manchester School of Management, UMIST, UK
Abstract: This paper reports the main findings of a study which focused on Quality Circle Programme evaluation. Amongst the major findings are few companies appear to have clear objectives when introducing a programme of Quality Circles and their evaluation is virtually non-existent, and there is a need for a method of evaluation which assists the justification of a Circle programme in terms of its achievements and to provide pointers on how the programme may be developed. The research has identified a series of questions which will aid the development of such a method. The importance of integrating a programme of Quality Circles into a company-wide process of continuous quality improvement is also examined.
Keywords: UK manufacturing; programme evaluation; quality circles; training; United Kingdom; continuous improvement; quality improvement.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.3/4/5, pp.396 - 410
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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