Title: Competitive strategies in the microprocessor industry: the case of an emerging versus an established technology
Authors: Alfonso H. Molina
Addresses: Edinburgh-PICT, RCSS, The University of Edinburgh, 56 George Square, Edinburgh EH6 6JX, UK
Abstract: Risc (reduced instruction set computer) architecture in challenging the dominance of the older Cisc (complex instruction set computer) microprocessor technology. The rise of Risc provides an example of a new, emerging technology struggling against an established one. This paper examines the character and state of development of the two architectural constituencies of Risc and Cisc and the strategies being implemented by their leading players. Both technologies are treated as evolving |sociotechnical constituencies|. The microchips of which Risc and Cisc are composed are treated as subconstituencies or product-constituencies.
Keywords: Cisc; complex instruction set computer; Crisp; complex reduced instruction set computer; emerging technology; established technology; microcomputers; microchips; microprocessors; Risc; reduced instruction set computer; sociotechnical constituencies; competitive strategies.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1992 Vol.7 No.6/7/8, pp.589 - 614
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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