Title: Management and skilled worker deficits during the transition from the planned to the market economy: reasons, solution concepts, measures
Authors: Erich Staudt
Addresses: Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute for Applied Innovation Research, Bochum, Germany
Abstract: The qualification and training of managers and skilled workers is proving to be a crucial bottleneck in the transition from centrally-planned to market-led economies in the former East Germany and other states of the former Eastern Bloc. Rather than the wholesale importation of Western training courses, the author advocates solutions to the managerial and skill deficits which are based on activating the potential of managers and skilled workers who already hold key positions in companies and organizations.
Keywords: management skills; training programmes; East Germany; centrally-planned economies; market reforms; qualification levels; planned economy; market economy; skilled workers.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1994 Vol.9 No.8, pp.833 - 844
Published online: 23 May 2009 *
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