Title: Structural change through innovation: the renewal of traditional industrial areas
Authors: Hartmut Krebs
Addresses: Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Small Business and Technology, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Abstract: The Nordrhein-Westfalen region of Germany has undergone a major structural change in its industrial and economic base. Under the German constitution it is the responsibility of the Land (regional government) to improve the regional economic structure. This paper examines the role of the Land government, and its priorities in bringing about industrial and technological renewal.
Keywords: regional development; structural development; industrial redevelopment; industrial policy; technology policy; Germany; innovation; Nordrhein-Westfalen; economic development.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1994 Vol.9 No.8, pp.818 - 821
Published online: 23 May 2009 *
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